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Episode Transcripts


8 January 2002 - I'm currently halfway through the transcript for 'Do Unto Others' and I'm planning to start the massive update this site needs with the completion of that transcript. Watch this space.

PS: If a transcript isn't listed on this site, it's because I haven't completed it. I also haven't seen any of the fifth season episodes after "Mr Hinks Goes to Town" or any of the sixth season episodes, so even though I love answering your questions, if they are about any of the above, I'm afraid I can't help you. For other transcripts, try The Practice: A Fanpage or Arthur Tham's The Practice Site.

*This episode is the second part of the Ally McBeal/The Practice crossover beginning in the Ally McBeal episode "The Inmates"

Season Three Transcripts

309. State of Mind * 315. Lawyers, Reporters and Cockroaches * 316. End Games * 317. Target Practice * 318. Crossfire * 319. Closet Justice * 320. Home Invasions * 321. Infected

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"The Practice" is a David E. Kelley Production in association with Twentieth Century Fox Television.
This is a fan page and is in no way associated with the show, its producers or its cast. No copyright infrigement is intended by this site.

© Ryana's The Practice Page